Hola everyone!!
Happy February, who can believe we are in this month already!? Today is the first of day of my second transfer here in the center of Madrid. Every missionary stayed the same in Barrio 5 which I was really happy about because we have some great Elders that we are serving with. Even though this transfer lasted 8 weeks instead of 6, it felt like one of my shortest!! Hermana Modugno has survived my training for one transfer so far, haha. We are very excited to see what is in store for these next 6 weeks together. I've still been pretty sick. (almost 2 weeks is just too much for me!!) But the work can't stop here, so I have been having to really put my faith in the Lord to really strengthen me while I have been physically and emotionally down. But by the end of the week we felt very happy and saw lots of Miracles all on Sunday!!
Tuesday I went to the doctor and he told me that I have an infection in my chest. Hooray. So in other words my poor companion has had to hear me every day for almost two weeks hacking up my lungs. Last week was hard because of that but then this week I got pretty down emotionally. I think it has something to do with being frustrated for not being able to work as hard as I want to! But luckily for me, my companion is so great and she is always there for me when I have my melt downs. Perhaps this week was good opportunity to reflect on who I really have to rely on. And I have definitely felt the help from the Lord so much this transfer. Although being sick is super uncomfortable when you have lots of things to do, and places to go, we were still able to see quite a bit of miracles and we feel like we are getting a lot closer with members in the ward!!
As missionaries we are always taught that it is very important to "teach people, not lessons." Well this of course requires real intensive listening to the Holy Ghost so we can know of their needs. Although I know there are a lot of things I always could be doing better as a missionary, this week was kind of a confirmation that me and my companion really are listening to and teaching with the Holy Ghost, because we saw this in many of our lessons. The last few lessons we've had with one of our less active member who's from Peru has said how it is interesting that we had taught, read, or shared something that had to do exactly what he was needing. A lot of times we would come to a lesson with something prepared but then later me or my companion would feel the need need to change it. And it's such a great feeling when they tell us that is exactly what they needed to help them spiritually. My goal as a missionary is to always teach with the spirit because without it we can't do anything!
Sunday was a great day! I started out with giving a talk in sacrament. I talked about missionary work. I gave the example of how every year my Dad always invites everyone in his Facebook to go on a hike in Zion's national park because it is what brings him joy. Well I compared that to how we should have the desires to share this gospel with others because it is what can give us the maximum joy in life!! It's funny because I usually love speaking in Church but this time I was so nervous because it's a little different not speaking in your own language. I was shaking right before it was my turn because I was mostly worried that I wouldn't be able to speak because I was coughing from my chest pretty badly. But I said a little prayer and GRACIAS DEL ESPIRITU, it all turned out pretty well. The gift of tongues is real because I still don't how know how I was able to do it and how everyone understood me perfectly.
. First Milagro of the day. The rest of the miracles happened like this: Sunday
morning we he had no lessons planned or confirmed because nobody could
meet with us. But miraculously we were able to have a whole day full of
lessons! It was a great way to end a week and transfer.
Happy February, who can believe we are in this month already!? Today is the first of day of my second transfer here in the center of Madrid. Every missionary stayed the same in Barrio 5 which I was really happy about because we have some great Elders that we are serving with. Even though this transfer lasted 8 weeks instead of 6, it felt like one of my shortest!! Hermana Modugno has survived my training for one transfer so far, haha. We are very excited to see what is in store for these next 6 weeks together. I've still been pretty sick. (almost 2 weeks is just too much for me!!) But the work can't stop here, so I have been having to really put my faith in the Lord to really strengthen me while I have been physically and emotionally down. But by the end of the week we felt very happy and saw lots of Miracles all on Sunday!!
Tuesday I went to the doctor and he told me that I have an infection in my chest. Hooray. So in other words my poor companion has had to hear me every day for almost two weeks hacking up my lungs. Last week was hard because of that but then this week I got pretty down emotionally. I think it has something to do with being frustrated for not being able to work as hard as I want to! But luckily for me, my companion is so great and she is always there for me when I have my melt downs. Perhaps this week was good opportunity to reflect on who I really have to rely on. And I have definitely felt the help from the Lord so much this transfer. Although being sick is super uncomfortable when you have lots of things to do, and places to go, we were still able to see quite a bit of miracles and we feel like we are getting a lot closer with members in the ward!!
As missionaries we are always taught that it is very important to "teach people, not lessons." Well this of course requires real intensive listening to the Holy Ghost so we can know of their needs. Although I know there are a lot of things I always could be doing better as a missionary, this week was kind of a confirmation that me and my companion really are listening to and teaching with the Holy Ghost, because we saw this in many of our lessons. The last few lessons we've had with one of our less active member who's from Peru has said how it is interesting that we had taught, read, or shared something that had to do exactly what he was needing. A lot of times we would come to a lesson with something prepared but then later me or my companion would feel the need need to change it. And it's such a great feeling when they tell us that is exactly what they needed to help them spiritually. My goal as a missionary is to always teach with the spirit because without it we can't do anything!
Sunday was a great day! I started out with giving a talk in sacrament. I talked about missionary work. I gave the example of how every year my Dad always invites everyone in his Facebook to go on a hike in Zion's national park because it is what brings him joy. Well I compared that to how we should have the desires to share this gospel with others because it is what can give us the maximum joy in life!! It's funny because I usually love speaking in Church but this time I was so nervous because it's a little different not speaking in your own language. I was shaking right before it was my turn because I was mostly worried that I wouldn't be able to speak because I was coughing from my chest pretty badly. But I said a little prayer and GRACIAS DEL ESPIRITU, it all turned out pretty well. The gift of tongues is real because I still don't how know how I was able to do it and how everyone understood me perfectly.
have been reading in Alma and I really liked these verses. I know this
gospel can bring us so much joy! Have a wonderful week and I love you
Hermana Sydney Berry
Alma 1:29-31
And now, because of the steadiness of the church they began to be
exceedingly rich, having abundance of all things whatsoever they stood
in need--an abundance of flocks and herds, and fatlings of every kind,
and also abundance of grain, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious
things, and abundance of silk and fine-twined linen, and all manner of
good homely cloth.
30 And thus, in their
prosperous circumstances, they did not send away any who were naked, or
that were hungry, or that were athirst, or that were sick, or that had
not been nourished; and they did not set their hearts upon riches;
therefore they were liberal to all, both old and young, both bond and
free, both male and female, whether out of the church or in the church,
having no respect to persons as to those who stood in need.
31 And thus they did prosper and become far more wealthy than those who did not belong to their church.
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