I hope everyone had a great week because as for me we had a bunch of ups and downs. It started out great by finding a couple of new people to teach and then Wednesday we had a great worldwide missionary conference! Monday we practiced our little missionary theater piece for the Talent Show on Saturday- which turned out really cool. But then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was super sick! (Still am 🤒) Lets just say I've been drinking lots of lemon juice with honey. It's always depressing when you have to stay in piso and are not able to do missionary work. But I have learned a lot about patience, principles from The Book of Mormon, appreciation of the priesthood, and the love my Father in heaven has for me. But some good news is the other day Hermana Modugno made a delicious pesto/bechamel lasagna. I love Italians. 🇮🇹
Well let's start out with the talent show! All of us missionaries in the ward put on a play that had characters including: Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Mickey Mouse, and Elsa from Frozen. Super random, but it turned out super funny! And it may or may not was based on a story from the Book of Mormon...haha I didn't think anyone noticed. Well speaking of the Book of Mormon, since we spent a lot of our time in the piso I have been really studying a lot from the BOM. The more I read it, the more I feel closer to God and have desires to do what's right. I feel so blessed that the prophets from this book sacrificed so much for us to be able to have their writings. I'm so grateful for their examples of always keeping the commandments no matter how hard the circumstances were.
On Wednesday we had the opportunity to go to Pavones to watch a worldwide broadcast on missionary training. While there in the church, my companion got to say hi to her best friend who just barely got to the MTC and will be serving in Milan. Too bad I wasn't able to take a trip to Provo to see my little brother. I still can't believe that my parents now have two children out serving. (Do you guys feel old yet? Haha just kidding.). Anyway I really liked what was said in the missionary conference. It was very spiritually uplifting and good motivators that I really needed to hear. Elder Bednar talked about how it is so crucial that we teach with the spirit because it is the only way that our investigators will be able to feel the truth in their hearts. I liked how Elder Anderson talked said if we ever don't know what to say to someone- testify of Christ. We should always have him on our lips.
Throughout my mission I have learned to fully appreciate what it means to have the "restored priesthood." It's the thing that makes this church true. I was especially grateful for it this last week. I was able to receive a healing blessing from from the Elders and I also relieved lots of comfort from my Heavenly Father. I was reminded that I need not forgot that the Lord is always there in every single moment. This is something I obviously already knew, but for some reason it felt different. Not just as a missionary but I know he is always there for you guys too. All you need to do is listen and trust.
I still can't believe that I've been out here for a year already and this week will end my first transfer with my cute trainee. I've learned so much about myself and about this gospel. I hope you all have a great week and are able to always feel peace from our Savior.
Love you all and thanks for all of the support.
Hermana Sydney Berry
First 2 photos: from our play, 3rd: us with Hermana Bingham y Maza in
Pavones, 4th: Elsa and Micky Mouse. :)
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