Yesterday during Relief Society we had a really great lesson on the type of peace that only Christ gives us. This is something I have been pondering as I thought about this lesson then later when we watched "The testaments" and while I've been studying in the Book of Mormon. It's so easy to think that we can be happy from worldly things, but true happiness and peace really only comes from following the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ. I was able to feel that peace when we went to the temple this week. Like I always say, I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to assist the temple as a missionary, I feel so happy every time I get to experience inside the very beautiful temple of Madrid.
Well good news!! On Tuesday we had a lesson with Oscar and we set a baptismal date with him for March. We are excited to see his progression. After the temple on Wednesday, we went up to the MTC to say goodbye to the Lovell's because they are going home this week!! President wasn't there but we talked to Hermana Lovell and she was so happy to visit with us but they were pretty sad to leave Madrid. Anyway it was super fun to talk to some of my teachers I had. On Thursday we went to Villalba to do companionship exchanges with two other Hermanas. It was super fun to learn from them and to do missionary work in another city for a day.
Sorry my email is so short but I can't leave before saying how I excited I am for my little brother Noah who goes to the MTC tomorrow!! I'm so sad I wasn't at his farewell but I'm so excited for him to experiences the very special exciting things that await him. You'll do great Elder Berry!!!!! 👍🏻🤗🤓. Speaking of crazy things happening, in two days I turn a year in the mission. HOLY COW!!!! I can't even believe how fast the time has flown by!! I have set personal goals that I want to achieve before he end of my mission, so these next 6 months I'm going to try to serve he Lord with all my might, mind and strength, and can't wait to see the rest of the miracles that lie ahead. I know this gospel is true and that it can bring us so much joy. That is why I am here in Spain serving the Lord. A story from the Book of Mormon that I read this morning that really stood out to me was the story of Abanadi. He is such a strong example to me because of his faith and desires to follow he Lord. Mosiah 12.
Love you all and have an amazing week!!!
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