Wow the days and weeks here are flying by faster and faster!! Things are good though, we have gotten to know a lot more members and we have found more people we are visiting than we had the first week we came to this area. Things like always are so exciting in the mission world and I can't believe how much of January is already over. Great news!! Oscar, our investigator who wants to get baptized so bad but can't because he works every Sunday, finally came to church yesterday for the first time. He said he loved it and tomorrow we are going to set a baptismal date.
As for me more of this week, I honestly can't remember a lot! It still was kind of hard to meet with all of our people because on Jan 6 was a big Spain holiday. So I think that this next week we will finally start to get back in the groove with this. As for finding new investigators, we had a new one this week! Her name is Marta, and she is a young Spanish lady and super cute. We had a lesson with her and she is super open to listen to our message!! We tried to make it clear what we are here for as missionaries, and she is very willing to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! We are super excited to meet with her again this week.
My cute little Italian is still doing so good. We both went to a training meeting in Pavones on Thursday with President Pack and all of the other trainers/trainees. They gave us a good reminder of the importance of doing the little things as missionaries. They said that a lot of times we feel like we are not progressing ourselves. But with the time, we will always be progressing, but when we stop doing the little important things such as companion study, praying, reading the scriptures, etc. etc... Instead of moving forward, we move backwards. One of the APs told us that we need to be the captain of our own boat in our missions. Because it really is up to us, our decisions of how our missions go. This made me feel better as a trainer and so did the companion exchange I had with Hermana Valencia on Friday. She helped me realize that sometimes we just need to remember that as long as we do our best and work and love thy God with all our might and strength, it's good enough for him!! It has been overwhelming a few times as a trainee, but I have felt the strength my savior has given me.
Today for Pday we went to Toledo. (My 4th time.) :) So I will send some pictures.
Les quiero mucho! Sorry this was a bit short. Enjoy your week and for some back to school!!
Hermana Berry
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