Hello my dear ones I hope everyone is doing well!! The days here are still flying by so fast. We're working hard and learning new things everyday!! This past week I hit my 13th month mark.. Wow I can't believe it's been that long since I've been a missionary!! I hope that next transfer I get to stay here in Barrio 5 because the members and people we visit are just so fantastic!! I learn things from them every time we visit. This week I've been focusing on counting all of my many blessings and staying focused in the work of the Lord. I have came to realize that Heavenly Father has blessed me in so many ways but one of those ways are the people that have come into my life. I have met so many different people here in my mission from so many different countries and that have different life stories. I'm so grateful for their examples and love I have felt from them. As I have taught and read things from the scriptures especially the Book of Mormon, my testimony in Christ and the importance of obeying the commandments have increased so much!! I love this gospel so much and I am oh so grateful for every single that I have learned here on my mission.
The Barrio 5 is doing great. :) We have an investigator who we are trying help get baptized hopefully pretty soon. A couple of weeks ago some of the Elders had a baptism, a lady who's from Venezuela and she is just darling!! It's so great to see the ward welcome her with warm love. The cool thing about being in Spain is that there are so many people from different countries. Just in my ward alone there are people from Spain, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Argentina, just to name a few. Every Sunday I am amazed of the fact that I am able to speak and understand Spanish. I know without a doubt that it was all thanks to the help of the lord.
This week I have seen many blessing thanks to the Holy Ghost. Yesterday we had a lesson and read the talk "What lack I yet?" and we talked about how the spirit can bless our lives. When we are humble enough to ask what we need to work on better, we permit the spirit to help us become who our Heavenly Father wants us to be. I love that talk! Also this week we had a zone conference which was awesome!! We talked about the importance of diligence and also how it's important to be very personal in teaching our investigators. So this week we are going to work on teaching better for the people's needs.
I love this gospel so much and I love being a missionary!! I hope everyone has a great week and don't forget to pray. ☺️
Con Amor,
Hermana Sydney Berry
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