Another great week has flown too quickly for us here. I'm starting realize that my trainers weren't that crazy when they said that every transfer goes by faster and faster. Es Verdad. Well I'm finally not that sick anymore, but sadly the muscle under my ribs decided to get pulled. It only hurts when I cough, breathe, or laugh. Unfortunately I have a very funny district of elders, so in other words there has been lots of holding my side to conserve the pain. Jaja. 😆 But anyway it's all good Heavenly Father is helping me. Besides that I had an awesome week because on Wednesday we had a mission tour where Elder Moreira who is from the 70's came and talked to us and it was soooo inspiring.
Lately we have really been wanting to be better at working well with ward leaders. So the beginning of this week, we met with the primary president and who actually returned from the Malaga Mission not too long ago. She's so great and sweet. She helped us figure out what we can do to help the ward and other ideas we can do as missionaries with finding new investigators, etc. Also this Saturday we are going to help her set up things for a baptism. And Thursday we are going to do some service for the Relief Society presidency. We are excited to help out with them.
The other day we had a lesson with our investigator who is deaf. He actually hasn't been progressing lately and so we decided we would find out what is stopping him from getting baptized. Well my companion being bold as she is (she really is, it's great) told him that we would like to set a date to work towards baptism. Well anyway he just gave us look of shock because he says he still has a problem with paying tithing. So we are going to work on helping his faith. Oscar who does have a baptism date wasn't able to meet with us this
week so we will see how's doing his week.
On Wednesday all of the missionaries in Madrid went to Pavones for the mission tour with Elder Moriera. I wish I could just share all of the notes I took because it was so wonderful!! Sometimes, I mean a lot of times, as missionaries we need some spiritual nourishment to help us in the work and this was definitely what I needed!! Elder Moriera and his wife are from Portugal and they served as mission President in Brazil. The first thing that really stood out to me in this meeting was faith. Because if we have enough faith in The Lord we will literally see miracles in this work. We have spiritual tools we have that we need to use as missionaries. This is something we have decided to work on more this week! Anyway he later talked about the atonement and how Jesus Christ was submissive to do his father's will. We too must submit ourselves into the Lord. He talked about how we need to do things that make us uncomfortable and that we don't want to
do but that we must do. Because Heavenly Father has given us this opportunity to over come ourselves. He told us how we need to give everything we have because in reality we own nothing. All of it we owe to God. He said that by the end of our missions we should have nothing because we gave everything to the Lord. Well I've taken the notes, and so now I will be doing some praying to receive the strength to become the missionary Heavenly wants me to be.
President Pack has challenged as a mission to read the Book of Mormon together! But, in a special way. I think it might have been Elder Bednar that said to read the BOM with a specific question and think about that question everything you read it. So that's what I am doing and I challenge you to do the same. I know that this will bring peace and help answer questions in your lives.
I love you all and thanks for the support!!! Have a buenísima semana!!!!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Berry
1-Hermana Modugno and I at the mission tour
2-A hotel by the Neptune fountain
3-My companion broke the window in our piso. Ok just kidding I have
no idea what happened.
4-growin my own parsley in my piso. 🙄
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