This week was sooooo good! I'm excited to tell you about it. :) Also this week is the last week of my second transfer here in Barrio 5, and there's a big chance that I'm leaving (to my last area.) π. But we are not sad here, we are going to give it our best this next week!!! This week I have seen lots of little miracles. :) I have been learning more how I can apply the atonement in my life, I have felt MUCHISΓMO peace from reading the Book of Mormon, and I have been reminded how lucky I am to be a missionary and the importance of always being happy.
Friday was such a great day. Wanna know why? Because I got to do an intercambio with MamΓ‘ Marsh before she goes home!! Oh what a treat it was to serve with Hermana Marsh because I got to show her what I've learned since when were together a year ago. (Well hopefully there was a lot of improvement, haha). She has taught me so much and is such a great example to me! π. Even though we were caught in the rain all night I had a great time. :) We found a Columbian man who didn't believe in God but it is such a sweet experience to testify of the love our Heavenly Father has for us even if when there are people who just don't understand. It reminded me of in the Book of Mormon, the story of Alma and Korihor.
This week I saw a lot of miracles with the work we have been doing the last two transfers with some less active members. There is a lady that we have been trying to meet with for like 3 months that we finally met with on Tuesday!! Yay!! She has gone through a lot in her life and in the lesson we decided to just focus on having her start praying in her life again- getting better at things poco a poco. Well it really seemed like she was not going to commit to pray this week. But guess what!? After talking a little bit about Enos from the BOM.. She ended up offering the closing prayer and I about teared up, it was such a beautiful prayer. It made me realize how perhaps sometimes we aren't pondering about who we are talking with enough when we pray to God. To hear someone pray who hasn't prayed for such a long time, really talk with her Heavenly Father, it just touched my heart so
much!! ☺️
This week I've been really studying the Book Of Mormon about true conversion to Christ and how to apply the atonement. In Alma 26, it talks about when Ammon glories in his God because he is literally filled with so much joy because of all of the people he was able to bring unto Christ. In the chapters after that it talks about the joy that Alma has as well. I've been thinking a lot lately how I want to feel more of that joy myself, so I realized maybe I need to start working a little bit harder and putting my faith more in him. Yesterday I realized that probably the worst part of not being a missionary will be not be able to recognize little miracles on a daily basis so easily. Yesterday at church we saw tons of little miracles!! So much that I think I may have felt a small portion of joy that Ammon and Alma felt in their ministry. During Sacrament Meeting 5 of the less active members that we normally visit came to church!! That alone made me so happy! We also had a lesson with a new investigator who wants to get baptized!! We also had a lesson with an investigator who we haven't seen for a while.. Other Milagro. :). I got my broken glasses fixed again and then we ended the night great by eating delicious Honduran Tacos. :) Good Sunday to end a great week!! π€ππ»
Okay last thing before I bore you to death with my long email. :). So Saturday night we got a call from a member saying that he would bring his friend who is here working from England to church on Sunday because she is interested in learning about the gospel. And of course we accept!! Member references are always lo MEJOR!! So we met them on Sunday and she is so darling! She enjoyed all of the meetings. :) After church we had a lesson with her with the help of two members that are friends with her. The members were a great help with bearing their testimonies of the restoration and Joseph Smith. During the lesson I felt the spirit very strongly to invite her to be baptized but I'm always too nervous to be too bold in the first lesson. Well I followed the spirit and she said of she of course would like to. She said that she thinks it's really cool how we want people to have a testimony for themselves. In her prayer it was so cute, she said thank you so much for sending us and for helping her learn about the "Mormons" haha. We excited for our next lesson with her tomorrow.
Well this week I learned that there may be really hard days in he mission, but the really good days are so great. :) I love being a missionary. This really is the Lord's work. Have a fantastic first week of March!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Sydney Berry πͺπΈππ
1 pic- Mexican taco restaurant, 2-coolest store I've found. :) 3-A
member I met who knew my dad in France!!
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