Hola Todos!!
Today is a new transfer and I'm staying here in Barrio 5 with Hermana Modugno for a 3rd transfer! Woohoo!! I was sure that I was leaving Barrio 5 but I guess there is someone here that we still need to find!! The weather is pretty cold but we can't complain too much because before we know the Madrid summer heat will be here.
Yesterday we had a lesson with one of my favorite recent converts, Ana from Paraguay. We asked what she though about Enos in the Book of Mormon and she said hmmm. "Pues es un tío muy majo.." Jajaja. And for those who don't speak Spanish, that basically means: He's a pretty cool dude. Haha I love the people we visit with here.
Everyday I learn things and strengthen my testimony as I have been
studying the Book of Mormon. I love the Book of Enos because it really
is an incredible example of the power of prayer and the atonement. I
know that Heavenly Father listens to our prayers and all we need to have
faith and patience.
Today is a new transfer and I'm staying here in Barrio 5 with Hermana Modugno for a 3rd transfer! Woohoo!! I was sure that I was leaving Barrio 5 but I guess there is someone here that we still need to find!! The weather is pretty cold but we can't complain too much because before we know the Madrid summer heat will be here.
Yesterday we had a lesson with one of my favorite recent converts, Ana from Paraguay. We asked what she though about Enos in the Book of Mormon and she said hmmm. "Pues es un tío muy majo.." Jajaja. And for those who don't speak Spanish, that basically means: He's a pretty cool dude. Haha I love the people we visit with here.
This week we got to go to the Temple and every time I am so grateful
that I'm lucky enough to have the temple in my mission. It really is a
beautiful experience to know that I'm doing what the Lord wants me to
do and be where I am. I have learned so much from going to the Temple
and very grateful for he peace that I feel there.
This week as I have been pondering about some things that have happened in my mission, a scripture came to mind.. D&C 18:10: "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." And
if I could summarize the "why" of a mission- it would be this. On a
daily basis we teach people the concept that we are all children of
God. Which might seem like a simple concept but so many people may
don't know this. This scripture really explains why we must help others
come to know of the gospel. It's because God is literally in favor for
every single living creature on this earth. Now think about that for a
moment. So anyway I think about the members and investigators I have
met so far and the impact they have made in my life. And I know it's
because I am feeling a small portion of the love that God has for them.
Other thing I have learned this week is diligence and humility.
Sometimes when things seem to go not the way it was planned, I have to
remember that this really is the work of he Lord. Sometimes we are
called to only do a small part and that we should be happy if we did
what he wanted us to do. I think it's easy to get caught up thinking
about missionary success in the eyes of the "missionaries," but I know I
that we will be more happy if we accomplish what he has planned for us
and his children. I've also learned that great blessings come from
following the Holy Ghost.
Well not much
happened this week, but we are excited to work hard to start out a great
new transfer!! Love you alllll and thank you for all the support!!
Hermana Sydney Berry
Pic- a menos activo that we meet with finished his drawing of us. He is such a good artist!
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