This week was great!! We worked a lot harder and received many blessings. Some of those including NEW INVESTIGATORS! Yay, we are so happy. ☺️. Right now it is raining outside which means bring on the Spanish Spring weather! (I know have no right to complain because I am not serving in Northern Spain, but Madrid has its ups and downs.). This week I have been focusing/studying on the atonement and resurrection to prepare for Easter. My testimony continues to be increased as I read the Book of Mormon everyday and also the power of prayer. The church released its new Easter video called Hallelujah that we've been sharing with people and it's such a beautiful message about the resurrection! I hope everyone will be able to focus more on the real meaning of Easter this weekend.
New investigators!! Last Monday we found an interesting man outside of the church. So we saw this this older Español gentleman walking by the church and looking out the church sign. And so we went up to him started talking. We ended up talking for about 30 minutes and he was super nice. He didn't ended up giving his number but I think was very grateful for the conversation we had together. I hope we can see him again soon! Antonio, our investigator that I talked about last week wasn't able to meet with us because he is traveling, but he is reading the Book of Mormon and is still messaging us questions. Yay!
Other miracle investigators... Josefina! Well the other day two ladies came to the door of the church and one of them told us that she was really interested in learning more about the gospel!! (This never happens so miracles #1) She is Dominican and super sweet and funny. So we met with her like two days later and set a baptismal date for April. Her sister lives in Utah and she's planning on going to General Conference there. And we are planning on having her getting baptized when she returns. Tonight is our second lesson with her. 😊
Yesterday we met with a new investigator who is a Mother from Peru with a little son. She was contacted by Elders from the MTC in Retiro Park and she wanted to learn more about the Book of Mormon. We met with her yesterday and lesson went really well!! I've been trying to work on being more bold with the Spirit, so I invited her to be baptized and she accepted!! I have really seen miracles happen when I boldly follow the spirit. This week was awesome to finally have more investigators after hard work without easily seeing success.
Just like many times in my mission, my testimony in prayer really has been strengthened so much! Sometimes I have little trials during the week that seem like things will NEVER CHANGE.. But then after a simple prayer with faith I am able to see/feel God's love and protection in my life. On Friday, we had a super good zone conference with President and Hermana Pack. They talked about how we can be better at "finding" new people to teach. This is what I needed to learn more about so I was grateful for the messages there. I have been reading in the Book of Mormon about Captain Moroni, and I am astonished that his faith and strength he has in Christ. I want to be more like him.
I love being a missionary!! Today we went to Retiro Park and played soccer with the Elders, and some youth and I was reminded how blessed I am to be in Spain and I get to be around super awesome people!! I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and I know that he was resurrected. Thanks to Him, all is possible. I love you guys so much and hope you feel the Lord's calming peace this Easter.
Con MUCHO cariño,
Hermana Sydney Berry 😘🇪🇸🍓
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