¡Hello a todos!
This week started out a little strange let me explain why... Well Monday Hermana Marsh went home, and so now that makes 3 of my companions already home and which means I have only 2 transfers left after this one. But that won't be for a whillllle so for now I'm going to continue enjoying Spain and being a missionary. Right? Okay.
Anyway, on Wednesday we had to find an orthodontist because my poor companion broke her retainer
and was super stressed out about that.. But like I have always seen in my mission, God always provides. And he did because tomorrow
she's going to pick up her new one! :) So when we were looking for the
orthodontist, I didn't realize we were out of our area until we were
suddenly in front of the REAL Madrid soccer stadium, so that was kind of
random haha. (Oops sorry President.). But we did end up finding it
and my Comp's teeth are still perfect.
Tuesday we had a cool lesson with a new investigator named ANTONIO. Antonio not only is legit looking for the truth but he is A) a Spaniard. And B) an old Spaniard. Let me just tell you that this is a rare case to find. He is super great and is super willing to listen to our message and find out for him self if it's true. I think that's probably one of my favorite things about being missionary of this gospel. Our message about God comes with a complete 100% Guarantee. Wanna know why? Because we don't tell people to take our word for it, we invite them to ask Heavenly Father to receive an answer for themselves through the Holy Ghost. And I love that, and so does he. So anyway, tomorrow we are going to meet with Antonio for the second lesson. He has already texted us asking more questions about the restoration. :) He was a reference contacted by the Hermanas in Barrio 9 in the metro. He told us that he was sitting down and saw two missionaries (shoutout to Hermana Olsen and Hinton.
and felt like he had to talk to them for some reason so he asked them
to come over and that's how they got his number. During the lesson he
told us that he's been praying and praying to find the truth but God
still hasn't answered him. (Because he hasn't seen God in other words we
are working with his faith) but then we were like hello!!! God has
answered you, he sent those two Hermanas in the metro.. I guess
sometimes it's harder than others to recognize and answer to a prayer.
Hmm what else has happened this week?... Oh, I am forgetting my English, (hence the email subject.) The other day we contacted a Philippine lady sitting in a bench and when she said, "Lo Siento, no hablo Español.." I was like shoot what do I say in English? Haha, I'm getting so awkward in my native language. Ha.
This week started out a little strange let me explain why... Well Monday Hermana Marsh went home, and so now that makes 3 of my companions already home and which means I have only 2 transfers left after this one. But that won't be for a whillllle so for now I'm going to continue enjoying Spain and being a missionary. Right? Okay.
Tuesday we had a cool lesson with a new investigator named ANTONIO. Antonio not only is legit looking for the truth but he is A) a Spaniard. And B) an old Spaniard. Let me just tell you that this is a rare case to find. He is super great and is super willing to listen to our message and find out for him self if it's true. I think that's probably one of my favorite things about being missionary of this gospel. Our message about God comes with a complete 100% Guarantee. Wanna know why? Because we don't tell people to take our word for it, we invite them to ask Heavenly Father to receive an answer for themselves through the Holy Ghost. And I love that, and so does he. So anyway, tomorrow we are going to meet with Antonio for the second lesson. He has already texted us asking more questions about the restoration. :) He was a reference contacted by the Hermanas in Barrio 9 in the metro. He told us that he was sitting down and saw two missionaries (shoutout to Hermana Olsen and Hinton.
Hmm what else has happened this week?... Oh, I am forgetting my English, (hence the email subject.) The other day we contacted a Philippine lady sitting in a bench and when she said, "Lo Siento, no hablo Español.." I was like shoot what do I say in English? Haha, I'm getting so awkward in my native language. Ha.
"The people don't want to talk to us in the street, but they will talk
to the pigeons.." -Hermana Modugno. So the other day we sat down on a
bench to make some phone calls and there was a little poor pigeon that
was plopped down because it was stuck. And a lady passed by, stopped
talking on the phone to talk to the pigeon. The people are a tiny bit
crazy, haha.
Yesterday we had a lesson with Javi, a menos activo that we meet with. He is lo mejor. (He's the one who drew the pictures of last week.) Anyway, for some reason it's really easy for me and Hermana Modugno to receive revelation when we teach him. Every time we share what we feel like the Spirit is telling us to teach, he always tell us that it's exactly what he needed to hear. So the other day he told us because of that, he knows this church is true. Also yesterday, he was telling us about when he left the church for a while. (He's a recent convert but then was inactive for a while.) He said that the reason that he came back is because it didn't make sense to leave something so good to go to a life that is worst. And so that's why he came back to the church, because it has helped his life so much.
Yesterday we had a lesson with Javi, a menos activo that we meet with. He is lo mejor. (He's the one who drew the pictures of last week.) Anyway, for some reason it's really easy for me and Hermana Modugno to receive revelation when we teach him. Every time we share what we feel like the Spirit is telling us to teach, he always tell us that it's exactly what he needed to hear. So the other day he told us because of that, he knows this church is true. Also yesterday, he was telling us about when he left the church for a while. (He's a recent convert but then was inactive for a while.) He said that the reason that he came back is because it didn't make sense to leave something so good to go to a life that is worst. And so that's why he came back to the church, because it has helped his life so much.
Here is a scripture that I really liked this week:
34:41 "But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with
a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."Even
though the mission can be hard sometimes, it's so wonderful. I am so
very grateful for so many things that I have been blessed with here in
my mission. The other night as I was lying in bed, I had this
overwhelming appreciation for all of the blessings that I have received
here these last 14 months. Just to name one in specific is the fact
that these last 3 transfers here in Barrio 5, Heavenly Father has
blessed me so much to organize my time as we have to arrange our time
everyday to meet with people. I'm so grateful. I love this gospel. I
hope you have a great week!!
Con MUCHO cariño,
Hermana Berry
1- the sad pigeon. 2- Yo y mi compy. 3- I ran into a lady that came to
English classes clear back in Alcorcón! How small this world is even in
gigantic Madrid! 4- My cute area. :)
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