The time is going faster and faster here in Barrio 5! We're are always learning how to be better missionaries everyday and every week. I continue to be so grateful for my wonderful cute companion who is such a wonderful example to me. We have so much fun together and we are working hard to find someone who is prepared to receive this gospel. Although there are some days that have us wondering, why aren't we have lots of success with investigators.. I have seen so many miracles in little ways in the little time I have had here in Barrio 5. Before we know it this transfer will be over, and I hope and pray that we get to stay together for a third transfer!!
I've been still really enjoying reading the Book of Mormon. My faith and testimony has increased of Christ so much because of this Book. I'm so beyond grateful for this gospel and for all of the blessings that this gospel and definitely my mission has brought me in my life. Things can be hard, but wow it is so rewarding!! I really enjoyed the relief society lesson we had on Sunday about Adversity. Christ really is he who will help lift us up in times of need. Today for Pday we went and visited the Titanic exhibit which I loved!! I think by the end of it, I had the realization/confirmation that worldly things in the end will mean nothing and what matters is the love and relationships we make with people here. Those were my thoughts from listening to the Titanic history. Also today I got to see Hermana Marsh and Hermana Spencer which was super fun!! I'm realizing that my mission is coming to and end soon so I'm trying to stay focused and to give it all I got because really this opportunity I have here in Spain to share the gospel is one in a life time.
CuΓdense mucho. ☺️πͺπΈ
Hermana Berry
(Last photo is a 3 generation picture of mission mamas!!)
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