Sunday, June 14, 2015

Satanic nuns, bible bash, carne for days, estoy perdido, and white girl.

Funny Quote of the week:''You are so, far, from home... you, white girl.''  -Elder Martinez; who likes to practice his English with me by saying thise like this. Jajaja.

This week was really, really interesting. I was scared out of my mind to start area training, but it ended up going not too bad.  We only got lost like 3 times.  Jaja. My new companion is named Hermana Whiting and she is awesome!!!  She is super super funny and is a very good missionary!  I like that she has patience for me while I am area training.  PHEW.  What a saint. 

This week we had a few hard days but there were some mircales in it as well!  Most days we're used to cat calls and all that stuff from guys on the street.  But this one day, we were walking home from a bible bash lesson that turned out really bad, and then these guys yelled at us ''SATANIC NUNS!!''.  We just laughed it off as we were walking fast and not looking back.  It was fine until about 5 minutes later we got called out by more guys on the street  (This is when I wish my Spanish wasn't improving, lol).  It was just one of those days that needed to be over.  But it's okay! There's opposition in all things. :) 

The Miracle!  Despite the hard days of nobody wanting to listen to us, a lot of our lessons failing, we were able to witness a small miracle.  One night my companion and I decide to pass for a young lady's piso (apartment) because she was an old investigator that we hadn't seen for a while. We go to the door where you have to push the button to be let in.  I realized that I didn't remember her whole address so I just thought that was a bummer.  A boy let us in so we decided to look at the mailboxes for her name.  We couldn't find it so we decided to just leave.  We both try to open the door and then we were LOCKED IN!! This was very unusual to be locked in, so we were really confused.  A thought came to me to just walk up the very top floor because I thought I remembered maybe which door was hers.  We go up there, knock on her door, but she's not there.  Okay, let's just leave then, right? So we start to go back down the stairs, and there she is!!!!  She ends up letting us in and we have a great lesson with her!! We invite her to be baptized when she finds out that these things are true and she said yes!!!  When we left, we opened the door the that was locked before and it opens up just fine.  Wow, God really helps us to have a perfect timing when he needs us to talk to someone.  It was incredible to see the Hand of God in our week even when we experienced hard times.

On Friday we met with some menos activas that we usually teach every week and they took us out to a restaurant called Foster´s Hollywood! yum. We all ate A LOT of chocolate that night.  haha.  And talked about the scriptures of course too.  She said that she wants to take me there again for my Birthday!! Okay now I am excited to turn 20!! Okay one last thing about them.  We were waiting for them in front of a Burger King and there were like 40 obnoxious young teenagers around us.  Later she told us that when she walked up to meet us, she recognized us sitting down very peacefully with the spirit despite all of the obnoxious foul things around us.  That really meant a lot to both of us!!

Sorry this was really long, hope you guys didn't get bored!! I can't wait to see what this next week has in store for me!!!  
Have a great week!!
Love, Hermana Berry

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