Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hay Calor!!!! 😎☀️

Hola everyone!!
     There are plenty of times as a missionary Heavenly Father will test our Faith.  Although our week was full of failed anticipated lessons, I still was able to feel his love for me and the rest of his children.  Patience is an interesting thing.  Sometimes we may think we have patience until the test really comes.  There were a few days this week that were kinda hard.  We have some great investigators with a lot of potential yet we find it difficult to meet with them the more golden they are!! One of our investigators that has a baptism date hasn't met with us for a while, so that's been kind of strange. But..... It's okay!! We just keep working and believe that God is preparing his children to receive the restored gospel just as he is preparing his missionaries to teach it.
     On Thursday we had an intercambio (some English missionaries would probably call it a missionary exchange haha) and so for 1 day I was with Hermana West, the sister training leader.  Before she left she told me something that I really needed to hear.  I've been thinking about this for a while so I want to share it with you guys! She talked about the talk called "His grace is sufficient" by Brad Wilcox.. And said that sometimes we think we have to reach a certain point before we can pray and ask for help.  But in reality, Christ has already made up the difference.. In fact he IS all the difference!!! I mean this was obviously something I already knew, but apparently I needed to hear it again.
     So a couple of days ago I decided to have an extra sincere prayer and really tried to connect with my Heavenly Father.  And I know that he is there.  There are days that I feel like a terrible missionary, or like I can't do anything right... But then I realize why I'm here and really how sacred and powerful this message is that I am sharing. That alone helps me feel happy. I testify that this is the restored gospel.  It brings me a kind of peace everyday that I can't put into words.  But what I can say is that the Book of Mormon is literal evidence that is here for us to know for ourselves if this is really truly is Christ's restored church.  If the Book of Mormon is true, then so was Joseph Smith a prophet of God. I am so grateful for this knowledge.  My favorite thing about missionaries is we tell people not to take our word for it.  We tell them to go to the greatest source truth to find out. There are some days that I don't want to go out and face the crazy country of Spain... But I know that Christ really does strengthen me.  I couldn't do any of this without him.  It truly is his work.
     One of the cool things we get to do with our iPads is show the new bible videos that were made by the church.  If you haven't seen them all, go download them from the gospel library app!! I feel like I
have already felt closer to my savior by watching these videos.  They are awesome!

Okay one more thing.  This may seem silly, but it's not silly. ☺️ I think that on missions God blesses us to overcome little tiny things. Por ejemplo, on Sunday we ate baked lemon chicken that was wrapped in Bacon.  YUM most of you would say.  But for me eating meat has always been really hard.  Well here I am sitting on my bed, writing an email AND CRAVING BACON WRAPPED CHICKEN.  Oh my goodness, I think I'm turning into a new woman!! Ha

1 Nefi 22:25-31 READ IT!! It is a great scripture about peace.  πŸ˜€

Love you all. Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and emails!  I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world to spend my last 2 weeks being a teenager than serving the Lord.  How lucky am I? πŸ˜‹

Hermana Sydney Berry

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