This week was soooo good!!! I can't even remember exactly what we did but just that I felt content this week with my new comp and new area. Hermana McEntire is super funny and an incredible example!! We've stayed busy this week working a lot so that makes me very happy of course! I read an article the other day in my studies that really impacted me. It was an article from a returned sister missionary that shared how she was able to recognize success towards the end of her mission. (Which was exactly what I needed to read.). Anyway, it said that "Gratitude counteracts jealousy." Gratitude for the blessings that God has already given you (as missionaries) will help you see the
success that you have already have. And instead being jealous when other missionaries have more success, gratitude allow you to follow their examples. Anyway I really liked that and this week as I have been focusing on counting my many blessings, I have been able to see what I have already done throughout my mission, and be so happy where I am right now. The area reminds me a lot like Alcorcón so that's a perk. 😊
Quick update in Barrio 5: well I'm not sure because I'm not there anymore!! But it looks like Hermana Modugno and her new companion are doing great. Today for p-day we went to a ward activity in a big park. And as we were on a mini train Hermana Modugno was walking by so that was super funny. Anyway... The other day we actually kind of had a cool little miracle. We were walking in the street on our way to another appointment and this Columbian guy stopped us in the street and yelled "hey you guys need to pray for me!!" We got talking and he had already knew sister missionaries before and wants to meet again. We had a little lesson with him on a bench and it seemed like we were an answer to he prayers. Hopefully we will see him again soon! Funny moment: We were contacting a lady in the street and this guy walks over to us and hands a kiwi and says "Chicas, que frescais!" And then he left. It was so weird. Haha.
Anyway the coolest thing we did this week I would say would be on Saturday be cause we got to go to a sealing in the temple!! There's a young boy convert who the Hermanas visit so we got permission from President to attend their family sealing. It was so precious!! We were in there and when the two boys came in, (the convert is 15 and and the other is only 3.) I felt the spirit so strong as they ran to their parents. It made me so so grateful that we have the restored priesthood keys here on the earth to enable us to be sealed to our families for the eternities!! Wow what blessings we have.
Well tomorrow is my first leadership counsel at the Presidents house and I'm super excited. I'm very grateful for this opportunity that I have been given to help and serve the sisters here in my zone. I'm
excited to keep working these last few months of my mission. The church is true and I love it so!!! And Madrid has my heart. 😘
Hermana Sydney Berry
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