We already have transfers again!! I feel like a broken record, didn't this just barely happen? Anyway, Hermana McEntire and I are very happy to be able to stay together once more! This week was super busy. Almost everyday I couldn't remember what we did the day before. In other words, the work here is keeping us on our toes which is good.
To start off I will tell a funny story. A funny, but TRUE story. Ready? Okay, so on Thursday we invite one of our investigators to a family home evening in a members house. As we are waiting outside of the metro with him then the Elders arrive and come say hi to us. One of the Elders says hi to him but calls him a different name and asks if he remembers meeting with them a couple of months ago. Our investigator looks very confused and tells him that he is very mistaken for someone else. Anyway me and my comp are a little confused but we just start heading for the members house while the Elders waited for someone else at the metro. So we get to the piso and start walking up the stairs (there are 4 flights) and when we're on the second flight, our investigator who always likes to make really weird jokes says, "I'm too lazy, I'm just going to wait right here." We thought he was just being weird so we kept walking up and then he never came up. So we went down the stairs and he had DISAPPEARED!!! We looked everywhere but then I knew we were in an Alfred Hitchcock movie. 😳 The Elders were at the top of the piso now and yelled out the window for us to come up and they would explain what had happened. We compared phone numbers of our investigator with a number of angry person and it was the same person!! But it had notes saying that this guy would do this and to not waste your time with him!! They were so mad that he would trick us. Anyway, although weird things happened this week it will not stop the work of the Lord!! Haha hope you were
able to imagine how weird this situation would be.
But don't worry, good things happened too!! We went to a little Spanish pueblo named Cuenca, and us and some other missionaries went and did a BLITZ there to help out with the missionary work. It's basically just contacting for 4 hours straight in someone else's area. But guess what, at first I wasn't looking forward to it but at the end I had a lot of fun!! It's funny because you'd say what's so fun about being rejected by people in the street for 4 hours in a very Spanish pueblo? Well I'm just grateful that I got to go do it because it actually reminded me of the joy that comes from working diligently. Which is nice especially because I am approaching the end of my mission. After we helped work in that area, we and some other Hermanas went to do a little hike to check out the old part of Cuenca which is so beautiful!!! I will show some pictures.
This week intercambio I got to do it with the wonderful Hermana Curtis!! This is her first transfer and she is just wonderful!! I loved being with her for the day because she taught me a lot. It was fun because later we found some connections we had in our family. Anyway, at the end of this transfer I realized how very very special it has been to be a STL and help with These growing sisters who are a little newer in the mission. It's cool because I have been able to recognize a lot of me in them. and it's been fun to kind of advise them and remind them about the little important things in the mission.
I love this gospel so much because it is just full of so many opportunities. If I could think of one word when I think of God's love, it would be Opportunity. If we let him he will help us grow and do things that we never thought we could. I'm so grateful for everything I have learned so far in my mission and I'm very excited to continue he to work hard as a servant of the Lord these last 6 weeks. Thank you all for all of the support!
Thought/General Conference talk of the week: "He asks us to be his hands." I've been thinking a lot about love and service. Go out and serve someone!
Hermana Berry
Sorry for the photo overload but here's a bit of my week!
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