So today is my Pday which means that we got to the temple this morning. Blessings always here in Madrid!! Speaking of which.. I forgot to mention last week that this Saturday Elder Bednar is coming to Madrid to speak to the missionaries!! He was originally going to only speak to the MTC missionaries, but were luckily enough to hear him as well. The missionaries from the North get to come down too. But the missionaries in the islands get a special treat because after Elder Bednar speaks with us he's going to have a separate meeting with them. We are highly anticipating this very special meeting with an a apostle of Jesus Christ!
Well because my Pday is today I will try my very best to remember what happened last week! Well it's true that being a STL suddenly you don't have a normal routine schedule. But it's all good because I'm having super fun and having tons of spiritual learning experiences!
Let's start with Conceilio. Last Tuesday I got to attend my first Leadership council at the President's house. And oh what a treat it was to be spiritually edified, learn how to be a better leader, and be surrounded by so many incredible sisters and Elders! I had a lot of fun. And I truly am grateful that the Lord trusts me with this calling. The only things I was nervous about being an STL with the intercambios (sorry for the Spanglish- "exchanges") and speaking at the zone meeting. But they both turned out awesome and I learned a lot!! The intercambio I had on Monday was soooo good. Two lessons failed us but that enabled to have us see two unplanned miracles. I got to be with Hermana Barcenas who's from Texas/Mexico, and she's absolutely incredible! She's a convert of only a couple of years but her testimony blows me away. I haven't felt the spirit like that for a while. She reminded me how special and REAL the atonement or Jesus Christ is. I'm so grateful for the love that he has for all of us!!
Yes there are days that are a little hard because approaching near your mission can be TOUGH. But I have been praying so much and Heavenly Father is helping me so much. These last few weeks I have seen so many miracles and so many blessings. This last week we started teaching several new investigators that we are so excited about!!
Heavenly Father is real and he loves us so much. Pray to him and you will feel a peace that will be more familiar than you would think. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a missionary and serve the Lord in Spain. As I skyped my Family for Mother's Day, it reminded me how grateful I am to be taught by such loving parents.
Spain might hang dried pig legs in bars to eat and may kill bulls for entertainment everyday in the month of May, but Madrid will always have apart of my heart. ❤️
Con Amor,
Hermana Berry πͺπΈπ
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