So I think the heat from last summer in Madrid traumatized me so much that this week I've been really nervous with the sudden weather change. But it's all good, because we finally bought our sandals and we are drinking our ocho vasos al día de agua!! The summer in Madrid truly is from the devil. You walk outside and think that it snowed but then realize it's just deadly pollen that gives you sneeze attacks. But rain, heat or pollen, we are working hard!! We have been seeing awesome things this transfer!!
But then again I almost don't remember anything from this week. Haha I know it was great.. But what did we do?? I mean I guess this is a good sign because we have stayed so busy!! We had another intercambio,with the Hermanas from Barrio 6! Hermana Hill and are awesome missionaries and it was so great to work with them for a little bit. On Wednesday we met with one of our new investigators who is Spanish. She is a very sweet lady but typically Spaniards love to talk. So after looking at her 7 photo albums of what it was like in Madrid in the 90's, we almost got through the first lesson!! Haha we will see how she is doing this next week. Lately we've been doing lots of pass by's for address that we have but sometimes it seems like a waste of time because people are never home. But the other day was cool because as we were walking away from a piso that nobody was home. A man from Peru stopped us and told us that he is a member but inactive and has been wanting to go back to church for a long time now. He didn't know where the church was so he was so happy that he ran into missionaries. I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father putting people in our path!!
This morning I read in 3 Nephi about when there were days of darkness, storms, and destruction in the Americas after Jesus is crucified inJerusalem. And then later he comes and visits them as a resurrected being. I related this part to the BOM to repentance. Sometimes when we repent, we may feel we are in a couple of days of darkness and destruction, but at the end Jesus Christ is there for us with open loving arms to help us back up. Last week Elder Bednar talked a lot about putting off the natural man. This week I have been pondering a lot about this!! I'm so grateful for the strengthening power of the atonement that I can apply every day in my life!!
Sorry this is so short!! But I hope everyone has a great week!!
Hermana Berry
Here is picture I have is of a weird dessert I made. And by the plaza de Toros.
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