What a craaaaazy week we had!! There were plenty of ups and downs in
the beginning of the week but we ended this transfer with a bang! A
Baptism and great lessons with great investigators!! Well we got
transfers and I'm going to Barrio 2!! And... I'm one of the new sister
training leaders!! I'm slightly freaking out but I know that this is
an incredible opportunity the lord is giving me to be able to end my
mission strong. (I hit 15 months this week, CRAZY!) So I was more than
sure that I was going to leave Madrid and serve in either the Islands
or North. So when I find out that I would probably end my mission
still in Madrid, there was a little disappointment. (Only a little.)
Because something I have been learning here in my mission is that
there are amazing blessings when we align our will with Heavenly
Father's. I'm ready to work hard and I'm excited what he has in store
for me in Barrio 2.
But on the other hand it was reallllly hard to leave Barrio 5. I'm
going to miss Hermana Modugno so much but I know she is going to do so
great with her new compy in Barrio 5. I remember when I didn't want
to train or go to Barrio 5. But yesterday, my last Sunday in the
ward, I was looking around and thinking about how much I'm going to
miss these incredible members. They showed me so much love and
friendship and I'm going to miss them so much. But I am so excited
that I got this opportunity to serve with them there and to have had
so many incredible experiences there. I definitely learned a lot of
things these last 5 months. (Wow the times goes by fast, it was just
barely Christmas!)
On Saturday we had several different activities going on in the
church. There was a big activity for the YSA youth that did a
presentation of different countries. So we got to see some cool
dances from like Peru, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Columbia, and
Bolivia. And then we tried some different typical food from their
countries. So that was super fun to see. And then after that we had
a missionary activity where we went into different rooms that
represented the plan of salvation. It ended up super awesome!
These last few weeks I have been praying that we would have a miracle
so I could see a baptism in Barrio 5 before I left. And guess what!!!
We had the wonderful opportunity to see Oscar get baptized. It was
so incredible because for almost 5 months we've been working so hard
to have him be able to be baptized. And then he finally did this week,
so we were super happy to be able to have a baptism before we
separated. ¡MILAGROS!
Okay update on Giannina. She's just great. And the last lesson we
had with her yesterday made me really sad to have to leave her!! She's
progressing very well and is just incredible person. She came to
church on Sunday for the second time and loved it. She already quit
coffee, tea, and alcohol and is working in quitting smoking, because
she really wants to follow the commandments. Well on Sunday we were
sitting in gospel principles class and she leans over to me and
whispers something. "Hermana.. I have something to tell you.. But I
don't know how.." So I was like you can tell me.. And she says.. "I
want to be baptized. I feel so much peace when I'm here and learning
more things.. I think this is what I need to do." I was like yes!!!
That is so great!! So then later yesterday we met with her to set a
date but the date we said she asked if we could do it a week earlier.
Well Of course we can!! She's reading the Book of Mormon and praying
with her son together. They're such a precious family!! Oh the spirit
was so strong and I'm so excited for her!! I learn so much when I
teach humble people. She already understands very well that thanks to
the atonement of Christ she is able to start over with her life. I
hope I get to see her baptism now that I'm still pretty close to
barrio 5.
Well that's about it!! Endings and beginnings como siempre. I'm
beyond grateful for the things I did and people I met in Barrio 5. And
I'm so excited to work hard in Barrio 2.
The gospel is real. Read about it and pray about it and you will feel
the spirit.
Love you all!!!!!
Hermana Berry 😘🍓🇪🇸
P.s. My new comp named Hermana McEntire. She's from Colorado and super sweet. 😊
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