Hello everyone!
My week was thrown off a little because we have Pday today instead of Monday. So hopefully I'll be able to remember what I did last week. They changed it so that if you go to the temple you have Pday that day. So in other words we just got out of the temple which was a really nice. I have a feeling that I might leave Madrid for my last area which means that this was probably my last temple trip in Spain. But that's okay, I'm so grateful for all of the times I got to go throughout my mission so far because I know lots of missions don't get that opportunity. (Sorry Noah,
This week is the 2nd to last week of this transfer!! Transfers are on the 26th and I think I'm leaving.
I know Hermana Modugno
will do great though, even though she is a bit nervous to area train, she is going to rock it!! All of Barrio 5 loves her!!
So last week I talked about Josefina. This last week we have been trying and trying to meet with her but she all of the sudden got really busy looking for a job and is not coming to our appointments!!!
But anyway, it's not a surprise because EVERYTIME in my mission there
has been someone so prepared to be baptized.. Satan's storms of trials
appear so we are just pressing forward with faith. She really is great,
we are just hoping to be able to meet with her soon to finish teaching
the lessons. Oscar just needs to be able to come to church to get
baptized. So we are still praying for a miracle with his job. We are
determined to see a baptism here in Barrio 5! Sometimes we just need
faith and patience during these times.
I've been trying so hard not to be trunky and this week made it a little difficult, haha. A daughter of a super cute Dominican less active family that we visit returned home from her mission in New York last Thursday. She's so awesome! We went to the airport to support her family when they picked her up. But holy cow watching that...can you say trunky!!!?? It's okay though-- focus focus focus, haha. And Vangelina is great though!! She's such an example to me because she is a convert to the church and I can already tell that she was a great missionary. We're super excited for her help with our investigators and to keep helping her Mom and sister. I love this family so much!!!
Thursday we also had a great zone conference, where our zone leaders taught us some great things. President and Sister Pack came and it's always nice to receive spiritual instruction from them.
I'm so grateful for the general conference we had and for all of the
incredible talks there to help me grow spiritually. Hopefully all of
you have had a chance to read and hear some.
Last Monday we met with an old investigator that we finally had success of contacting her after like 4 months! She's super nice, Español, and very social. We're not exactly sure if she really has interest in hearing about the gospel or just letting us in her house to give us juice and pastries. But we are excited to meet with her again soon!!
Giannina is doing awesome!! We just love her. She is so humble and very willing to change. We had a member present lesson with a member named Cynthia who is a young mother too so we thought she could relate to her. Well it was a great lesson and Cynthia brought her to church! And I can't even explain how much weight that lifts off us when the members bring our investigators to church. We were so thrilled to Giannina and her son walk into sacrament meeting!! She loved all of the classes and is excited to come back next week. This week we are going to start teaching the commandments and she is already more than willing to receive help to stop smoking. I'm so grateful for the atonement, because not only does Christ forgive us from our sins, but he will make our weaknesses become stronger, even if that happens to be an addiction . We are very excited about her progress.
For Pday today we went to Alcorcón to visit some of the wonderful members that I love and missed so dearly. As I was there talking with them, I thought about the times in Alcorcón that maybe that were a little difficult for me the time. But wow oh how the time has gone by fast!! Maybe Heavenly Father is trying to remind me that I need to enjoy every last moment I have here in my mission. I'm so grateful for this gospel, for the opportunity I have has so far to serve with incredible people here in Madrid. The hard times is when God is creating you into someone better than yourself.
My week was thrown off a little because we have Pday today instead of Monday. So hopefully I'll be able to remember what I did last week. They changed it so that if you go to the temple you have Pday that day. So in other words we just got out of the temple which was a really nice. I have a feeling that I might leave Madrid for my last area which means that this was probably my last temple trip in Spain. But that's okay, I'm so grateful for all of the times I got to go throughout my mission so far because I know lots of missions don't get that opportunity. (Sorry Noah,
This week is the 2nd to last week of this transfer!! Transfers are on the 26th and I think I'm leaving.
So last week I talked about Josefina. This last week we have been trying and trying to meet with her but she all of the sudden got really busy looking for a job and is not coming to our appointments!!!
I've been trying so hard not to be trunky and this week made it a little difficult, haha. A daughter of a super cute Dominican less active family that we visit returned home from her mission in New York last Thursday. She's so awesome! We went to the airport to support her family when they picked her up. But holy cow watching that...can you say trunky!!!?? It's okay though-- focus focus focus, haha. And Vangelina is great though!! She's such an example to me because she is a convert to the church and I can already tell that she was a great missionary. We're super excited for her help with our investigators and to keep helping her Mom and sister. I love this family so much!!!
Thursday we also had a great zone conference, where our zone leaders taught us some great things. President and Sister Pack came and it's always nice to receive spiritual instruction from them.
Last Monday we met with an old investigator that we finally had success of contacting her after like 4 months! She's super nice, Español, and very social. We're not exactly sure if she really has interest in hearing about the gospel or just letting us in her house to give us juice and pastries. But we are excited to meet with her again soon!!
Giannina is doing awesome!! We just love her. She is so humble and very willing to change. We had a member present lesson with a member named Cynthia who is a young mother too so we thought she could relate to her. Well it was a great lesson and Cynthia brought her to church! And I can't even explain how much weight that lifts off us when the members bring our investigators to church. We were so thrilled to Giannina and her son walk into sacrament meeting!! She loved all of the classes and is excited to come back next week. This week we are going to start teaching the commandments and she is already more than willing to receive help to stop smoking. I'm so grateful for the atonement, because not only does Christ forgive us from our sins, but he will make our weaknesses become stronger, even if that happens to be an addiction . We are very excited about her progress.
For Pday today we went to Alcorcón to visit some of the wonderful members that I love and missed so dearly. As I was there talking with them, I thought about the times in Alcorcón that maybe that were a little difficult for me the time. But wow oh how the time has gone by fast!! Maybe Heavenly Father is trying to remind me that I need to enjoy every last moment I have here in my mission. I'm so grateful for this gospel, for the opportunity I have has so far to serve with incredible people here in Madrid. The hard times is when God is creating you into someone better than yourself.
really enjoyed Elder Holland's talk from conference. It gives me true
comfort know that here in this life we are going to fall a ton because
we are so stinkin imperfect, but the amazing thing about this gospel is
that we get credit for trying. (-Elder Holland)
Les quiero MUCHO!! 
Hermana Sydney Berry
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