Hola! πͺπΈ
We're already in the last week of his transfers!! Craziness here, but it is all good! Let me see if I can remember what we did this week...
We met with Giannina and taught the word of wisdom with Cynthia's help. I think it went pretty well. We gave her the 15 step quit smoking program that the church has and she is very willing to quit. We are very happy that she is progressing well!
On Saturday we met with a new family from Venezuela. They were contacted by missionaries in Retiro Park and they are super sweet!! We taught them the restaurant lesson and it was really awesome. Oscar finally came to church!! Even though he worked graveyard, he was able to come for only hour. But we're so happy that he is taking big leaps of faith! So this means that he can get baptized!
We had a cool experience that happened to us on Saturday. Right before our Noche de Hogar at the church we had some extra time so we decided to pass for a direction that we had for a lady who is less active. This whole week we wanted to get in contact with her but didn't have time. And we never ever have success when we pass by for people's pisos so it didn't really matter that we only had about a half an hour. So anyway, we get to her piso, ring it and she tells us to come up!! I was like what!! This has never happened in my mission so far. (Yeah I know kinda sad, haha.). We tell each other we will just share something in like 10 minutes in then leave. Well almost 2 hours later we left. So "E" let us in and she is the cutest, sweet EspaΓ±ola I've ever met. Like why does someone open the door, and without knowing us, says come in, do you want leche and galletas?? So we visited with her and she told us her story, and what happened after her conversion story. It's a bit sad, whoa she has gone through a lot!! But it was kind of a little miracle that we showed up in perfect timing because she really needed some people to talk through some things. She has a very fuerte testimony of the gospel even though bad things have happened to her in the past. It was funny because when we came up to the door she was throwing away ensign magazines, and so when we came in the door she was like "Look, Hermanas, I promise I was only throwing it away because they are in the Internet, I swear!" We were like, oh sure, only when the missionaries come.. Haha. So anyway, we were super excited that we got to meet her! It reminded me why I love being a missionary. Listening to people's stories, and then helping them feel God's love by talking with the spirit.

We're already in the last week of his transfers!! Craziness here, but it is all good! Let me see if I can remember what we did this week...
We met with Giannina and taught the word of wisdom with Cynthia's help. I think it went pretty well. We gave her the 15 step quit smoking program that the church has and she is very willing to quit. We are very happy that she is progressing well!
On Saturday we met with a new family from Venezuela. They were contacted by missionaries in Retiro Park and they are super sweet!! We taught them the restaurant lesson and it was really awesome. Oscar finally came to church!! Even though he worked graveyard, he was able to come for only hour. But we're so happy that he is taking big leaps of faith! So this means that he can get baptized!
We had a cool experience that happened to us on Saturday. Right before our Noche de Hogar at the church we had some extra time so we decided to pass for a direction that we had for a lady who is less active. This whole week we wanted to get in contact with her but didn't have time. And we never ever have success when we pass by for people's pisos so it didn't really matter that we only had about a half an hour. So anyway, we get to her piso, ring it and she tells us to come up!! I was like what!! This has never happened in my mission so far. (Yeah I know kinda sad, haha.). We tell each other we will just share something in like 10 minutes in then leave. Well almost 2 hours later we left. So "E" let us in and she is the cutest, sweet EspaΓ±ola I've ever met. Like why does someone open the door, and without knowing us, says come in, do you want leche and galletas?? So we visited with her and she told us her story, and what happened after her conversion story. It's a bit sad, whoa she has gone through a lot!! But it was kind of a little miracle that we showed up in perfect timing because she really needed some people to talk through some things. She has a very fuerte testimony of the gospel even though bad things have happened to her in the past. It was funny because when we came up to the door she was throwing away ensign magazines, and so when we came in the door she was like "Look, Hermanas, I promise I was only throwing it away because they are in the Internet, I swear!" We were like, oh sure, only when the missionaries come.. Haha. So anyway, we were super excited that we got to meet her! It reminded me why I love being a missionary. Listening to people's stories, and then helping them feel God's love by talking with the spirit.
I read in Heleman 3 and I really like these verses..
27 Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name.
Yea, thus we see that the gate of heaven is open unto all, even to
those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of
29 Yea, we see that whosoever will
may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which
shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the
devil, and lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across
that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked--
Next week we will see where I will spend my last 2 transfers!!
Con amor,
Hermana Sydney Berry
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