This week was... Well besides my deathly cough/sickness, great! I just got out of the temple this morning, and it's so weird to think it's my last time in the Madrid temple. Oh how I love this temple. The feeling of gratitude always gets bigger every time I leave that temple. I'm so grateful for the love and peace that comes from doing work of the Lord for his children. If there's one thing I have learned here in my mission is the special feeling that comes from Service!
This past week I have seen so many wonderful examples of what it means to truly serve. On Sunday we had a lesson on service in gospel principles and then later in Relief Society, so I'm thinking I'm supposed to be learning something, haha. Let me just throw some random examples of that. Mercedes is a recent convert that we visit that I dearly love!! She is a single mom from Peru with two little kids. And every single time we go to her house, no matter how busy life is she always make sure and makes us something to eat. She always puts us and her kids first before her own personal needs. She is such a great example of Christ like love. One of our investigators named Marilu, (who is progressing well) whipped up a meal from Nicaragua after we taught her. And she did even while she was having take care of the baby she watches. The other day on the bus, I was having like a bad cough attack and this kind old man handed me a little piece of candy to suck on. Anyway, these are little tiny examples of acts of service, but it is how so many people have touched my heart out here.
The other day we found five euros in the street so we picked it up. But we didn't want to keep it so I held on to it and prayed that we could find someone to give it to that needed it a lot more than us and maybe that it could be an opportunity to share the gospel. Well about a week later we were on the metro and there was a man begging for money. Well this is very common for Madrid but I felt like this was the guy I needed to give that money to. So I gave it to him and when he realized that it was 5 euros, the surprised look on his face just melted my heart. And then my companion was able to give him a card with our number and he left very happy. I know that my small little things we can really help people. And I know that by praying Heavenly Father will help us find opportunities to serve others.
The days get a little tougher here as I'm approaching the mission. Especially being sick this week, I have felt humbled all over again. But as I lay in my bed everyday, I'm amazed of all a Of the many blessings I have received in my mission. This actually comes from the trials I have had in my mission. This week we had a few lessons with some people who want to get baptized!! So those were of course special moments. I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon and power that it has in our lives. I'm grateful for prayer and I know that HE listens.
I hope you all have a great week!!
Hermana Berry
Sorry the only picture I have is this.. Something I drew in the MTC.
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