First off, sorry my email was so short last week. I do blame the Elders that were writing at the church with us because they wouldn't stop talking. Haha but anyway I'll try to make up for it and share some cool experiences I had this week!
Well I'm sitting here enjoying the summer heat by eating gazpacho with my bread. Who knows I'll turn Spaniard before I come home. Ha. Well this week was a great one!! The last few weeks have been a bit challenging just with the end of my mission approaching it happens. But this week I have been so uplifted so spiritually by several leadership meetings we got to participate in.
To start off, on Tuesday we went to our mission leadership meeting that we go to as sister training leaders that is always held in the President's house. This was my second time going and it is always such a delight to learn from them and be there with the other missionary leaders. I'm so grateful for President and Sister Pack because they are just incredible people. This meeting was focused on being more Diligent, obedient, and faithful missionaries. President Pack had told us that as a mission we need to be contacting 25 people a day per missionary. Well as a mission we needed to be a little better so he talked about this again and reinforced it. We talked about how by being a little more diligent, obedient, and faithful that we would start to see many miracles in our areas. The next day we had zone conference which basically we talked about the same things but only now with a lot of the other missionaries. My companion and I felt like we really needed to work better in this. So that's what we did. We put our faith and trust in the Lord and got to work. I realized that I felt so much more happy as we were tried talking to more people in the streets and in transportation. Even though we run into many who don't believe or don't want to listen, my testimony is strengthened every time I bear it. So of course by sharing it more often, I am more happy! On Sunday we had a little neat experience. We talked to a guy that got on the metro and that was a nice little conversation we had. He leaves and then a girl comes up to us and asked who we are and what we do. Well we are about to ask for her information and such but then another guy comes up to us and asks about English classes. It was kind of a funny situation trying to talk to both of them (and we also have to hurry so we don't miss our metro stop,) but it was a sweet tender mercy to see that the Lord really does bless us when we do what we are told. He will never leave us empty handed. I know that President Pack is inspired and I'm so grateful for all that they do for the missionaries.
Anyway other thought about leadership. I just wanted to mention how awesome our bishop in or ward is. I've served with many ward leaders throughout my mission but this guy is incredible. The last few weeks we have been working with him to help out by passing by for less active members. He's so supportive with the missionary work and I'm grateful for his humble example of service. This week I just have been uplifted with counsel about being a leader. On Sunday there was a stake meeting for all of the ward leaders about how to better our ward councils. Well our bishop invited the missionaries to come because our ward had to do a practice in front of everyone! Pretty scary right? Haha it was actually cool because this ward is the most efficient ward council I've seen. So it was cool that they got to be used as an example. I think one of the best parts of this meeting was because it was a Stake meeting, members of 3 of my past areas were there. In other words as I was sitting in the stand it was a pretty neat feeling to look out in the congregation and recognize lots of people who are in leadership positions in the church in my past 3 areas that have influenced me and my mission so much.
Well anyway, I love being a missionary. I say that a lot don't I? But it really is such an incredible experience. I'm so grateful for all of the example and dedicated work that I have been benefited from, thanks to so many leaders in my life and mission. I'm so grateful for the leadership position that I am in because I get to learn so much from theses sweet Hermanas that are in our zone. I know that prayers are answered. So pray to get help to be a little more obedient or faithful this week, and then just wait for the blessings.
Que tengan una buena semana!
Hermana Berry 🍓😘
P.s. Go to newsroom to read the Article about when Elder
Bednar visited us.
1st pic: lead ship counsel
2nd: my favorite ad in the metro
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