Already done with the first week of
September. Wow! Time in the mission is super super weird. Let's just
not talk about how I will be half way done with my mission next month.
Wow!! So this week was good! Lots of walking, talking, calling,
teaching, eating, contacting, praying, fasting, running, metro-ing etc.
You name it! We saw a lot of mini miracles in the moments of
discouragement. I'm starting to learn more vocab faster and I'm also
starting to recognize places in my area. (Which is good because it is
probable I am area/missionary training next transfer.
of the tender mercies we saw this week were just some of the unexpected
visits we had with people. One of them is with a Father of one of our
recent converts we visit. He is from Ecuador and is about 65ish. The
recent convert wants more than anything for his dad to accept the gospel
but his dad just didn't seem interested for the longest time. Well we
ended up having a lesson with him with the help of Stefany another
recent convert! I could really feel the spirit there. It was nice that
she was there because since she grew up catholic too, she was able to
share her experience of finding the true gospel and how it has blessed
her life so far. We will see how the next lesson goes with him. :)
day, we passed for a less active family and the two girls happened to
be there and let us in. They're about 18 and 13 years old and from
Paraguay. They are preciosas!! We talked with them and shared a short
message. They told us how happy that we came and how they really want
to come back to church so they can feel that peace. The scripture that
we were inspired to share in that moment was (yes Ether 12, it has been
quite the popular chapter lately)..
Ether 12:4- Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might {with surety hope for a better world,} yea,
even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith,
maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and
steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God. The
part that really stuck out to me was about having hope for a better
world. These girls mentioned that how for example, the street the live
can seem kind of scary sometimes, with all of the things that go on
around them. We shared this verse with them because really the gospel
of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can bring that hope in a crazy
world like this. It was really great to see how happy these girls were.
On Friday
we had a "BEST 2 YEARS" MOMENT! If you can remember the part where the
missionaries go inside a bakery or something and then later one of them
says, "Elder, if we hadn't gone in there in this moment, we wouldn't
have met that person.." Or something like that.. Anyway, We were walking
down the street and then I saw this bakery with delicious pastries. My
blood sugar was pretty low so it was a good excuse to go try something
yummy. Anyway we get talking about the gospel to the lady who works
there and her daughter and law. They are from Romania, and they were so
sweet! They said they would love for us to come back and share more.
The lady told us that it is nice to see young girls like us to not drink
or do drugs, leave our families and studies at home and come here to
talk about God. I love hearing these kinds of comments from people
especially when we hear the complete opposite. It definitely
Hermana Spencer totally quoted that part of the that movie movie afterwards. It was pretty funny.
Every Sunday
in the CCM, we would sing hymns on the steps by the temple for people
who walk by. This was one of my highlights there. One of the perks of
being in Barrio 8 is we are right by the temple. On Sunday
we took one of our investigators to listen to them singing. It was
great! I loved being reminded what it was like to have that MTC
missionary spirit! I love this gospel so much. The message we share
with people is incredible. The central message is that Heavenly Father
loves us so much and through his son Jesus Christ we may one day return
and live with them again. How joyful is that!? Make every moment last!
Con muchisimo Amor,
Hermana Sydney Berry
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