Hola mi familia y amigos!!
This week was interesting. I can't exactly wrap my brain around the fact that this is the last week of the transfer. Or the fact that yesterday I turned 8 months in the mission!!! Anyway, time is going by
and I'm continuing to learn things. It's crazy to think that there hasn't been a day these last 8 months that hasn't been hard for me. But then again there hasn't been a week that I can't say that I am not
grateful for the things I experienced. This stuff here is tough business, but Missions. Are. So. Worth. It.
So I ended up being sick for most of this week, but we were still able to have some great experiences and learn some different things. Here are just a few things that I have been studying/learning/gaining my testimony about this week: Repentance/The Atonement, The reality of the restored gospel, the Priesthood/power from God, The Book of Mormon, serving others, prayer, and patience.
*We had a great zone meeting where we talked about repentance and the atonement of Christ. They had us study that day especially about repentance. We talked about how it's so interesting that a lot of
people think of repentance as a bad thing, BUT.. It truly is a gift that we have. When we sin, we turn away from God and when we repent, we turn ourselves back towards him. Repentance is truly Christ
opening his loving arms towards us. It is the greatest act of love.
*My whole mission I feel like I have been developing better prayers. Something I have come to realize is that Heavenly Father will always answer our prayers. But not necessarily in the exact time that we might want it. With patience, he humbles us and then later we receive the answer. For example, a couple of weeks ago, someone stole my companion's wallet on the train. That day we said a prayer to be able to find it. Well nothing happened, but since then we have been blessed by the other Hermanas in our Piso to help us out with money and other blessings as well. Well anyway, as I am typing, my companion is on the phone with the police station because they caught the robber and they found one of her cards!!! So basically, sometimes God will answer our prayers in one day or sometimes, 2 weeks. The point is, he is listening and he will always help us we have faith!
*This week we had a lesson with a new investigator, he is a man from Ecuador. I LOVE giving lesson 1, about the restoration. Every time I teach this lesson, the spirit always reconfirms to me the truthfulness of our message. This gospel makes me so happy. Also I continue to have such a strong testimony of the priesthood. I've seen so many personal miracles thanks to the priesthood. I am so grateful for these worthy young men I serve with who are able to give priesthood blessings. I was so appreciative of the one I received this week because I was sick. But he blessed me more for comfort than anything else. I could really really feel Heavenly Fathers love for me in that moment.
Random things that happened this week..
*A lady's puppy ate my skirt and kept biting my hand!! Spain makes me hate dogs. 😡
*Mayo+Ketchup=fry sauce in Utah, but shrimp sauce in Spain.
*Hermana Spencer is a boss at the piano. She played "Consider the Lilies" for a musical number.
*The Book of Mormon changes lives. Nephi is the man.
*Guess what guys General Conference is right around the corner!
Spiritual thought: look up the Mormon Message "LIFT." It is so good. Watch it!
Sorry if my email doesn't make sense, my brain hasn't been working properly the last few days.
Love you all!!! Enjoy the fall y'all.
Hermana Sydney Berry
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