Hola mi querdia familia!!! Ahhh what a great week we had!
Missions are so amazing. Sigh, I just love it. It started off with a
great district meeting we had on Wednesday!
As missionaries we all have weaknesses but there is nothing too weak
that the Lord can't strengthen. He knows that there are moments that
seem hard for us, but he is there to help us because we are his servants
"gathering his sheep." Although I have had some really stressful
moments here, I have never felt his love more stronger.
Earlier this week I studied the talk "The Comforter" given by Pres.
Eyring this last general conference. He talks about how the Holy Ghost
is there to feel comfort in hard moments we experience in life. In that
talk he said there are people praying every night for their burdens to
be lifted. We need to reach out to people in times of need because
sometimes we are the ones who help comfort them. I had an intercambio
with Hermana Sykes in Leganés this week. We were both able to help each
other various struggles we were going through. I know that when we
follow the spirit, we really can help people find the answer to their
prayers. She talked about Ether 12. I love this chapter!! Especially
verse 27: "And if men come unto me I will
show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be
humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves
before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in
me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." It is so
true! What ever weaknesses we have, they can turn into strengths when
we look to Christ with faith. I encourage you all to try this, and be
patient in your trials. He always has something better in store for
us. We just need to trust in his plan.
was just great. We felt like we really worked hard and truly tried to
talk to a lot of people! In the morning we had a street lesson with an
old cute Spanish lady who was sitting on a bench. She told us a really
cool story. But first I need to give a background story. My first
transfer here, I saw a homeless man with a long beard and very matted
hair who slept inside a bank. We would see him every day on our morning
run. I didn't think much of it, just that his situation was pretty
sad. But some days we tried avoiding him because he appeared to be
always drunk. Okay back to the story with the old lady on the bench.
She goes on to tells us a story about a homeless man, who has a beard,
very matted hair, and used to sleep in a bank. One day she sat by him
and offered to buy him water. He said no, that he already had money. A
couple days later she sees him again and tries to offer something
again. He says no. He looks to her and says "Do you have any
grandchildren?" So she pulls out a picture of her grandchildren. And
do you know what he did next? He pulled out his wallet and handed her
€10. Yes, I started to cry later when I figured out what she said in
Spanish. Oh my gosh what an example of the pure love of Christ!!!
Oh my goodness, we had thee best testimony meeting in Sacrament. All
of the youth went to EFY in Segovia for a week. Yesterday, they all
shared their testimonies. It was so fun to hear how their testimonies
were so strengthened. A lot of them are recent converts. One of the
boys named Charly bore his testimony. It was so cute because he is
usually super shy. Also one of them is actually one of our
investigators! He is the 17 year old boy I wrote about a couple weeks
ago. He has been an investigator for over year but has been waiting for
his 18th birthday to be baptized so he instead of having to ask
permission from his parents. Well he goes up there and shares his
testimony about how he lost his scriptures the last day at EFY and was
pretty upset about it. He prayed to find it and then found it!! He said
he could feel the spirit there so much. Yesterday he was fasting to
know if he should get baptized sooner!! Oh my gosh we were such happy
missionaries yesterday. He is such an incredible kid. What teenager
who isn't baptized, goes to EFY and prays to find his scriptures!?
Exactly. It was such a cool meeting. Yes I was crying. Also, one my
favorite members, Eva, bore her testimony!! It was so awesome to hear
it. We are all in different stages with testimonies of Christ, and
that's why it's important to share ours with others to help strengthen
Love you all and thank you for the support!!!!
Con mucho Amor,
Hermana Sydney Berry. 
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