Hola everyone!!
Right now I am sitting in
McDonoald's in Madrid, eating a frambuesa macaron, writing my family,
and remembering how cool it is to be here. Not only do I get to learn
about the richness of the gospel, but I get to eat gourmet pastries in a
European McDonalds.....Oh and look at Sword stores, and walk by 100 of
years old buildings, enjoy the culture of Spain, and hang out with
Hermanas from around the world. I AM THE LUCKIEST WOMAN EN EL MUNDO!!
We had another great week!! It was definitely a week of learning as well. This week is most likely my last week here in Alcrocón because four transfers in one area is usually the max. I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. I am going to miss the memories and members so much but I'm thinking that it is time for a change for me. I decided to start collecting all of my "happy thoughts" that we do every night and write them all down in a journal starting with my first transfer here. This has really helped me to visualize my progression, remember the good times I've had, and all of the things I have learned from different people. I have been very nervous about where my next adventure/area will be, but I have no choice but to put all of my trust in the Lord that everything will be okay.
We had another great week!! It was definitely a week of learning as well. This week is most likely my last week here in Alcrocón because four transfers in one area is usually the max. I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. I am going to miss the memories and members so much but I'm thinking that it is time for a change for me. I decided to start collecting all of my "happy thoughts" that we do every night and write them all down in a journal starting with my first transfer here. This has really helped me to visualize my progression, remember the good times I've had, and all of the things I have learned from different people. I have been very nervous about where my next adventure/area will be, but I have no choice but to put all of my trust in the Lord that everything will be okay.
Here are just a few things that I have studied/learned this week:
are never alone. Jesus Christ has literally felt everything you have
gone through. Things can get hard but that is what this earth life is
about. He knows how we feel and wants to comfort us. We can feel his
love and this peace more when we obey the commandments. I have
increased my knowledge in this through the Book Of Mormon. Oh yeah!!
Apostasy of the gospel of Jesus Christ happened thousands of years
ago. But it has been truly restored to the earth by a prophet named
Joseph Smith. There is only one reason I am in Spain this very moment.
And it is because I know that this is the true and only living church
of God. No matter what happens in our day, it always comes down to one
thing. I love this gospel so much, and I know that is the real restored
gospel of Jesus Christ. I would not be in Spain right now if I didn't
know that. 
temple is a wonderful place to be. When we are there doing the work for
the Lord, we can seriously receive answers to our prayers. We went to
the temple this week and something I read there really helped me. I am
so grateful for the scriptures!!
Mormon 9:19-21
And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God
of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto
you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not
to be God, and is a God of miracles.
And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men
is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way,
and know not the God in whom they should trust.
Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting
nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it
shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends
of the earth.
Here is a small wrap up of the fun things we did this week!!
visited/said goodbye to my favorite old Spanish lady, Felisa. She is
such a doll and loves when we visit her! She told me that she hopes her
grandson finds a girl like us. (What? Aww) she was in tears when we
left. She. Is. So. Precious.
*2 jovens in the rama(branch),
are so excited to prepare to serve missions! Roberto and Rolando. One
is a recent convert and the other one isn't even baptized yet! They're
*We had a lesson with an old investigator that we found
from the area book who turned out to be pretty golden! He already keeps
like 3 of the big commandments..hmm so I like this guy.
*I taught a family how to make crêpes. Mmm.. That was fun.
Keep it real, safe, and awesome. I love this gospel, missionary work, and Spain!!!!
Love you all and have a a GREAT week!!!!
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