Hola Everyone!!
Can you believe it's
already almost September? I can't believe either that it is already my
3rd week here in Vallecas. People were right about the time going by
faster every transfer. This week I have really been trying to focus on
enjoying every moment here on my mission. Especially now realizing how
fast time can go by! I have really enjoyed being so close to the Madrid
temple. (Like literally 10 minutes.) I'm truly so lucky. There are
always hard moments, but those are when I learn the most. And I will
also admit that I am grateful for the times that I have felt very lonely
or discouraged. Because those are the times that my prayers have been
the most meaningful. And I have witnessed so many answers to my small
prayers. God truly does love all of his children.
highlight of this week was our zone conference!!! I always love these
zone conferences because not only do we get to see a lot of the other
missionaries, get packages, and eat pizza but... The message from the
President and his wife is always so uplifting!!! This time the meeting
was about the restoration. And how we need to use our testimonies of the
Prophet Joseph Smith to teach with power. This is the first missionary
lesson, and it is the most important one. It really isn't just another
"reformed" church, but it is the one only "restored" church. I loved
that we focused on this subject because we were having a bit of trouble
explaining it to one of our investigations last week. My testimony of
prophets in general really grew this week. The fact that we have a
living prophet today who leads and guides us just shows how much
Heavenly Father loves us.
Spiritual thought:
morning I read a couple of general conference talks and 2 that really
stood out to me were "Lord I believe" by Elder Holland & "You matter
to him" by Pres. Uchtdorf. Here are some quotes from "Lord I believe"
that I really liked: "..In moments of fear or doubt or
troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that
ground is limited.." "The size of your faith or degree of your
knowledge is not the issue- it is the integrity you demonstrate toward
he faith you do have and the truth you already know." -Elder Holland. I
really like that because sometimes I feel like I have a lot of faith
and other times it lingers. But what's important is that we act upon
what we have already felt, and just believe and trust in our Savior at
all times and in all places. The talk by Pres. Uchtdorf explains "There is a paradox of man: compared to God we are nothing; yet we are everything to God." There
is a careful balance we must have in this life: be humble, meek, and
submissive like a child, but also remember that "all souls are great in
the sight of God." These talks have really answered some of my prayers,
and I hope you guys will get the chance to read more of it. :)
More highlights of the week:
*running out of money earlier in the week for food, but being blessed by people feeding us.
*sunny Sunday
afternoon turned into a CRAZY rainstorm. Last time we are complaining
about the heat. Some trees fell down and we got completely soaked
before we could find shelter. Hahaha it was great though.
to Arganda to visit a member (which is a little pueblo outside of
Vallecas.) It is such a cute little Spanish pueblo, and they have been
preparing for weeks for the upcoming "running of the Bulls" followed
with the Bull Fights. It looks like it will be pretty cool. Hopefully we
will be there when it happens. Only for the running, I don't think I
could watch a fight. :/
*Everyday I'm amazed that I can help
people feel the spirit even when my Spanish grammar is bad. The Holy
Ghost truly has incredible role in this life.
Well that's about it! I hope everyone has a great week! Love ya'll.
Hermana Sydney Berry