Wow, what a week. Where do I even begin?? The first few days of this week were kinda rough. Two of them we didn´t really have many lessons and we had to trudge through the freezing cold rain just to find out people weren´t home. We found out that the Baptism date that had been set for like two months wasn´t going to be able to happen. The 17 year old boy we had been working with was going to have his father baptize him but it got postponed due to work circumstances. Well, we knew we could accomplish our goal for the month of March. So we decided to fast from Wednesday to Thursday for some kind of Miracle. Friday during Medio Dia, we got a text from the boy that his father would be in town the next day and would be able to baptize him!! We were so excited and knew that our fasting prayer was answered!!! So I got to attend my first baptism on Friday and it was awesome!!
How special is it that we get to be washed of our sins and receive the gift of the Holy ghost to help and guide us a daily basis!!
Another miracle I saw was the gift of tongues. Mind you I still don´t know what´s going on most of the time and I want to hit my head on the wall sometimes because of so much grammar. But I am starting to witness what the gift of tongues means. In church I really tried to listen to the words of all of the talks, lessons, etc, and I wrote down every word that I caught that I could understand. I was astonished to see like 5 pages filled with Spanish!!! What? How is that possible?? So It still is hard for sure, but I´m starting to see my progress every day!!
Exciting things are happening for us these next few weeks. This Wednesday as a zone we get to go to The Temple!!! I am so excited to go back by the MTC and attend the Temple again for like the 4th or 5th time!! Wow, I am truly blessed I have missed it a lot. We are also extremely excited to listed to Conference as missionaries. Especially on Easter Sunday. Wow, what a special way to spend that weekend. I found out that... dun da da dun!!! Brad Wilcox will be speaking to us in like a couple of weeks!!! YAY!! I AM PUMPED.
There´s not much to say but.. that missionary work is hard, but it gets easier and more fun everyday. I have learned so much about numerous different things. I can definitely see how it will be able to help me in with the rest of my life. I already have better study skills than I did before and I crave knowledge about anything!! Bah! It´s so great!! Thank you all for all of your messages and support. It means so much to me to that people are praying for my success. So thank you for everyone´s friendship!!!
I love my Savior so much, and I know that this gospel is the true restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that God loves us beyond belief. There are things that I have learned in the last few weeks that I had no idea about!!! It is so great to learn things. I know that God answers our prayers. I know that missionaries are the perfect tools to spread this wonderful gospel that blesses so many lives. Merely because that what life is all about. This gospel explains what life is all about and I know that this is the truth. I am beyond grateful for it. Something neat that me and my comps were discussing yesterday was how all 3 of us have a grandmother that passed away. So we were saying how we always have 3 guardian angels by our sides at all times!! What a cool thought!!!!
This week´s spiritual thought: read JACOB 5 and tie it in to missionary work!!! Its great. Everyone work on your Spanish so I can talk to you in Spanish when i get back!! This church is true.. and GET PUMPED FOR CONFERENCE BECAUSE IT IS LA MEJOR!!!!!!!!!

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