I hope everyone has been enjoying the wonderful spirit of Christmas this past week! Can you believe we are already one full week into December!? And then one month later I will turn a year old in the mission. Holy. Cow. Well speaking of aging in the mission, I have been pondering and praying lately of what can I do to feel like I'm a better missionary. I've been having a feeling that the Lord had something big in store for me, however I did not expect this..
Well, we got transfers call and I'm going to go to the center (touristic part of Madrid) and I'M GOING TO TRAIN A NEW MISSIONARY! I cannot believe it. In fact the last two days I have been slightly majorly freaking out inside. So of course that night I had a real long chat with Heavenly Father, wondering why he would give me such a big responsibility. Instead of feeling scared I want to be excited and happy about such an incredible opportunity so I prayed to help me feel more excited and motivated. Because honestly things are about to get pretty crazy. Well good news, a couple of hours ago I just had all these thoughts why that is going to be so great. I'm glad that the Lord is comforting me and has faith in me. I know that this next transfer might be hard but honestly I'm actually really excited to grow so much and teach a new missionary. Tomorrow I will pick up my "daughter." ☺️ Yay.
This whole week Hermana Birnbaumer and I were thinking that I was going to leave the area and she would stay. Well other plot twist is that they are closing our companionship here in Barrio 8. So my companion was sent to the North to Oviedo, and she is really excited about that. We are really, really sad to both have to leave all of our incredible people that we visit here, but we leaving them in good hands to the other Hermanas and Elders here. I can't believe my 2 transfers here with Hermana Birnbaumer are already gone. The time went by so fast. We had fun and learned lots of things and made lots of good relationships here with members and investigators. She taught me a lot, and I'm grateful for her example of being a teacher. I have absolutely LOVED Barrio 8. The members here are great and I have really appreciated there love for us. I have been very spoiled the last 16 weeks to get to use a chapel right next to the SPAIN TEMPLE which is beautiful. Although I will miss being so close to the temple, I'm glad that I am staying in Madrid this next transfer. I have learned so many things here from new vocab and grammar in Spanish, how to wisely calculate time using metro and the train all day long to many many things spiritually. I'm sad to leave here but I'm excited for my next new adventure. Oh yeah, not to mention, Barrio 5 was Hermana Birnbaumer's first area so she has already gave me some tips and advice about that area! ๐
18 more days until Christmas!! Every December you always hear about the importance of focusing on Christ's birth rather than presents and money. Well this has never been more real and important until I have been a missionary teaching and studying more about Christ. I wanted to make this Christmas especially special because it's my first Christmas as a missionary! So everyday I try to study something new about Christ's life and then write a note about it. On December 25th I'm going to re read all of my notes and I think it will really strengthen my testimony about my Savior. I have really liked it so far. We have also been sharing the new Christmas video with everyone "A Savior is born" and sharing our testimony of why Jesus Christ is important to us. If you haven't seen this video yet, go watch and then share it with a friend!! Last night in the church we had a really cool Christmas concert/devotional. We heard beautiful uplifting music and saw the lights around the temple they finally lighted with the Nativity in the front!! It was a really special way to end my time here in Barrio 8. I'm so grateful for The Savior's humble example he gave when he was on the earth. I feel his love everyday and I hope you guys will think about things you can to do show your love to him this Christmas season.
I love all of you guys so much and thanks for all of he support!!!
¡Misiones son lo mejor!
Hermana Sydney Berry ๐๐ช๐ธ
Sorry for the photo overload but that's just what happens when we have transfers!
1- Deicy an investigator :). She made me wear her cool hat from Ecuador.
2- Carmen a member that is less active with her grandson who is upside
down on the couch ๐
3- Yapa Family
4- Gisela, recent convert
5-Victor.. He is going to get baptized soon!
6- Nancy and Carlos and Family
7- Jared, recent convert
8-Stefany and Avelino
11-Dora, Edison, and Rosa
The others are of the temple and pretty lets from last night :)
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