Hola Familia!!
I miss everyone but I am not homesick, because the longer I'm here, I know that there´s no where else I should be right now. The MTC food can be good, but I´m soooo sick of it though, haha. It is cafetieria food, but I bet the food will be good when I go out in the field. I still CANNOT believe that I only have 3 weeks left, it´s gone by so fast yet I've feel like I've been here forever considering all the people I've bonded with. The teachers are incredible, you can really tell they treasure this gospel and care about us.
My district is awesome!! It´s me and my companion, and then 6 elders. So a lot of the time the 18 year olds here act like 18 year olds, But seriously when they share their testimonies, the spirit they bring is so beautiful. I´m so grateful for the opportunity to meet all these wonderful people. My companion and I have learned a lot from each other this week.. The MTC is so hard but it is because you are constantly learning things from the spirit and other people. It is so refreshing to study this gospel that I know to be true, and to really start from scratch and find out the things that I need to study more about. We watch Devotionals every week broadcasted from the Provo MTC and they have been so awesome!!! Teaching our mock investigators has been a real challenge for me because it is testing my Spanish, doctrine knowledge, and companion unity. But I've already learned a lot from it and I´m happy that they do this so we can have a lot of practice before we leave.
I think I've briefly mentioned this last week, but every Saturday we go to this HUGE park to proselyte/contact people. Now just imagine you only being a missionary for 2 weeks and trying to tell people about your church in a language you only know about 20 words. It is absolutely terrifying. We also have to contact people on the metro. Both times, the spirit has guided me and showed me tender mercies to meet people that I believe I was supposed to talk to. After the park every time we come back and then share special experiences about it. Its pretty cool. Last Monday 2 of my favorite sisters who were learning Russian flew out finally to their mission. They were the sister training leaders and they were the 2 of the sweetest people I know.
So guess what!!!! Me and my companion, Hermana Hansen, are the new sister training leaders!!!! ¿WHAT??? YEAH. weird. The President told us that it's who the Lord needs. It´s funny because on Sunday I prayed as asked for a way to help me be selfless towards others. I've learned a lot of Spanish but definitely I still have a lot more to learn. I will send some pictures of me at the park. I love all of you!!!
Have a good week!!
Love this girl! So glad she is loving it!